Those Behind Cried Foward

Having failed to properly look after the interests of its women members for many years the GMB is running a desperate campaign – aimed at poaching the clients of Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors.

Now we’re all in favour of freedom of choice – but this takes the biscuit for barefaced cheek.

Because the trade unions have lost all credibility on equal pay – they’re about as convincing as MPs’ discussing their own expenses.

So, while most people are smart enough to see through the latest GMB propaganda for what it is – here are some good reasons to give the unions short shrift:

• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors told council workers the truth about equal pay from day one - we explained the big pay differences between male and female jobs
The unions kept their women members in the dark for years
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors are currently fighting a major test case (GMF hearing) for clients in Glasgow – we’ve engaged leading counsel in Daphne Romney QC to represent the Stefan Cross clients
The GMB is not even involved in this important hearing
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors are also fighting on behalf of those who signed Compromise Agreements with Glasgow City Council
The unions abandoned these individuals long ago
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors are taking up claims on behalf of non-manual groups - such as former APT&C staff
These groups have been ignored – in many areas - by both employers and unions
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross Solicitors are pursuing claims on behalf of staff transferring to the council’s new arm's length company, Cordia.
The unions have been as quiet as church mice about the transfer
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross have taken up equal pay claims of many male workers - who were denied bonus payments over the years
Yet again the unions failed to take the lead for this group of members – but Stefan Cross has just won a landmark test case for male workers at the Employment Appeal Tribunal
• Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross are challenging Glasgow’s Workforce Pay and Benefits Review (WPBR) - we believe it discriminates against many female dominated jobs and we’ve been asked to give evidence to the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Yet again the unions are either slow off the mark – or not even at the races

If you’re an existing client of Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross - and you receive such an invitation from the GMB – our advice is simple.

Tell them where to get off.

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