South Lanarkshire

We are looking for readers in South Lanarkshire to help flush out the details of what happened in 2004 - when the council introduced its new pay and grading structures.

The council's new job evaluation scheme (named 555 scheme) was very different to the one recommended jointly by COSLA (the Scottish employers’ organisation) COSLA - and the trade unions.

The reasons for South Lanarkshire going its own way have never been properly explained, but the council made up its own in-house 555 scheme – despite being party to the development of a tried and tested national scheme – which cost the public purse £250,000.

So, we are keen to get hold of any documents that can shine a light on the way in which different male and female jobs have been treated.

Some of the traditional male jobs have had their salaries permanently preserved – but only some - so many male workers who joined the council since 2004 are treated differently as well.

We have previously published details in 2008 about two key council jobs – a refuse driver and refuse collector – the names have been withheld for obvious reasons.

Here’s what we said at the time – and South Lanarkshire Council has never disputed these figures:

"For example, a Refuse Driver is currently paid £11.02 per hour - which is Spinal Column Point (SCP) 44 on the pay ladder - according to a pay slip that has been passed to Action 4 Equality Scotland.

Even a humble Refuse Collector is paid £9.50 an hour - which equates to Spinal Column Point 34.

But a basic grade Home Carer (a predominantly female job, of course) is paid only £6.65 per hour - a lowly Spinal Column Point 10.

So, the difference between the female carer's job and the male refuse worker's job is a whopping £4.37 per - or £8,400 a year for a full-time worker!"

If you have any information that will help get to the bottom of what's been going on in South Lanarkshire – drop Mark Irvine a note or ring Carol Fox on 0191 226 3282.

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