West Dunbartonshire - Settlement Offers

West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) has issued revised offer of settlement – but only to some of its employees with a valid equal pay claim.

As usual groups of employees with a perfectly good claim are being deliberately excluded - for reasons the council can’t justify and won’t explain.

In many cases, the revised offers are worth less than 50% of the full value of people’s claims.

In other words, West Dunbartonshire’s employees are being asked to hand back over half of the value of their claim – to the same council (and management) that has presided over years of pay discrimination against its largely female workforce.

Stefan Cross is writing to all WDC claimants individually – but the general advice is to reject the Council’s offer and hold out for a better and fairer settlement.

What’s on offer in West Dunbartonshire represents a good deal for the council – but a poor deal for council workers.

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