Calling Glasgow Carers

Glasgow city council is planning to transfer all their care staff into a new arm’s length trust – which will be named Cordia – from 1 April 2009.

Many people believe the reason the council is doing this is to prevent its largely female workforce from bringing future equal pay claims.

Because by hiving their care staff off to a new employer – the council will try to argue that care staff can no longer compare their pay – to the much higher rates of pay enjoyed by traditional male jobs, such as refuse workers and gardeners - who will remain directly employed by the council.

Time will tell whether this ploy will be successful – because the council will still control the new body (Cordia) – and may find it harder than they think to escape their obligations on equal pay - by the simple expedient off hiving off Direct and Care.

Thousands of Glasgow care workers already pursuing equal pay claims with Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross – but many Home Carers and Home Care Coordinators are unaware that they can still bring a new claim against the council – even if they accepted a previous settlement.

Why do people have a new claim? Because since the council introduced its new pay arrangements (WPBR) – it has protected the higher pay of the men – so a refuse worker or gardener continues to be paid more than a Home Carer or Home Care Coordinator.

So, Glasgow carers would be well advised to protect their rights – before any transfer to Cordia goes ahead.

It’s not too late to make a new claim even now – and any new claim will cover the entire period since people signed the council’s Compromise Agreement - 3 years and counting.

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