Midlothian Council

Midlothian Council has invited Stefan Cross clients to attend a meeting of its Appeals Committee on Wednesday 16 July - allegedly to consider people's equal pay claims.

Hearings have been arranged at 10 minute intervals - which shows how seriously the council is treating the matter - but all Stefan Cross clients have to do is to:

  1. Turn up at the appointed place and time
  2. Indicate that you have nothing to add on the day - beyond the detailed statement that has already been submitted on your behalf by Stefan Cross
The council rejected everyone's grievance at Stage 2 of the process - but failed to explain or justify the big differences in pay between traditional male and female jobs - which the council has known about for years.

So, it looks as though the council is planning to do the same on this occasion, which is a terrible waste of time and resources.

But at least the Appeals Committee hearing exhausts the internal procedures - and these issues will then move outside the council and will be placed before the Employment Tribunals.

At that point, the council will have to state a proper defence - whereas up until now the council has acted as judge and jury in its own cause.

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