Lobbying Councillors and MSPs

If you are in the process of seeking a meeting with your local councillor or MSP to discuss equal pay - always remember that things have improved a great deal under the fairer voting systems that now apply in Scotland's councils and the Holyrood Parliament (Westminster still has some way to go).

First of all, you have much more choice - you're no longer stuck with one party rule and stony faced politicians who are prepared to do no more than repeat the agreed party line.

Scotland's council wards are now typically made up of 3 or 4 councillors - there is not just one councillor for your local area. So, if you're being fobbed off by someone who's not really interested in your case or what you have to say - go and see one of the other councillors. And let the first one know that you will remember how they've behaved at election time.

Scotland's MSPs fall into two categories - individual MSPs who represent a single constituency and Regional list MSPs who cover a wider geographical area. In effect the Regional list MSPs ensure there is a political balance within the wider area that might otherwise be completely dominated by just one political party.

Lanarkshire - a good example
So, in Lanarkshire (north and south) for example, the Labour party completely dominates in the constituency seats section - while the regional list seats ensure that the SNP, Lib Dems Tories and others also have a voice. See post dated 4 October 2007.

So, make the most of the new set up - it's designed to give people more choice than the old 'first past the post' system.

Make your voice heard - and don't be fobbed off by some lazy party hack.

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