Edinburgh City Council

As reported previously, Edinburgh Council has agreed a settlement on equal pay - but not all groups of staff are included in the agreement, which awaits final ratification by the full council on 25 October 2007.

Not because of the lack of trying on the part of Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross,it has to be said. But at this stage the council is only prepared to make revised offers to what they call manual worker staff - even though the term manual worker supposedly became obsolete many years ago, in 1999 to be exact.

Whatever Edinburgh Council says - the truth is that equal pay is really about the skills and responsibilities required required to do any two jobs that are being compared - not about whether one job was previously classified as 'manual' or 'white collar' (APT&C).

The important thing - in equal pay terms at least - is whether the employer can justify the pay gap between groups of predominantly male and and female jobs - which, of course, management and trade unions have turned a blind eye to for years.

But they can't of course - and that is why things need to change!

Because who would try and argue that a Cook Supervisor, Social Care Worker or a Classroom Assistant (in Edinburgh) - does a job with less skill and responsibility than a refuse worker.

Edinburgh Council has stubbornly refused to bite the bullet for these groups at this stage - but Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross believe that you still have a perfectly good claim - one that will succeed in the end. And for anyone who hasn't been made an offer at this stage, the fight for equal pay conintues.

So, don't despair - don't get mad, get even - give the council a taste of its own medicine!

The best way to put pressure on the council to resolve equal pay for once and for all - is for as many people as possible to bang in a proper equal pay claim.

Classroom Assistants, Clerical Workers, Social Care Workers, Nursery Nurses - as well as Cook Supervisors - all have very good claims. And people who have sat in the fence up until now can still register a claim.

So can those who accepted Edinburgh council's offer first time around - because the agreement people signed (Compromise Agreement) expired on 1 October 2006 - and from that date onwards everyone has a fresh claim

Ask yourself this question: "Is the money better off in the council's pocket or in mine?"

If you need any further advice or an application form, contact Action 4 Equality Scotland on 0131 667 7956.

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