Glasgow - Home Care Coordinators

A letter is on its way to Home Care Coordinator (HCC) clients in Glasgow - advising that the council is making a pig's ear of their settlement offers.

Many of the offers are based on their contracted hours of 30 hours per week - whereas most, if not all, HCCs work additional hours which should also be taken into account when calculating the value of their individual settlements.

No other group of staff have been treated this way - and council officials are unable to explain why they think it's fair to treat Home Care Coordinators differently.

So, after weeks of trying to resolve the problem by patient behind the scenes discussions - the dispute is now out in the open. The council has been told that we cannot recommend HCC clients to accept that they should be treated as second class citizens.

If a satisfactory solution cannot be found (i.e. one that treats Home Care Coordinators in the same way as everyone else), our view is that these cases will proceed all the way to the Employment Tribunals.

Meantime, the politicians need to be put on the spot - they will be unable to justify the council's treatment of the Home Care Coordinators - but the more important question is: What are they doing to put things right?

HCC clients can help by seeking a meeting with their local councillor/s - and insisting that the Home Care Coordinators be treated in exactly the same way as everyone else.

The names, contact numbers and e-mail addresses of individual councillors can be found on the Glasgow City Council web site:

The Glasgow council leader - Steven Purcell - is a fair minded kind of person, normally, and has taken an interest in the treatment of Home Care Coordinators in the past - his e-mail address is:

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