Edinburgh City Council - Still on Course!

We reported on 1 July that Edinburgh City Council was preparing to make revised offers of settlement to clients of Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross.

The planned timetable has slipped a little bit, but the good news is that we are still on course for this to happen - all being well within the next couple of weeks.

Council officials are taking slightly longer than expected to check and re-check their calculations - but they do seem intent on trying to get things right first time - the silver lining in this particular cloud may be that it avoids a lot of time consuming and unnecessary enquiries at the other end of the process.

The council has still to decide whether its revised offer will be restricted to certain groups of staff - i.e. only former manual workers. Our position is that all of our clients have perfectly valid claims - including social care workers, clerical staff and classroom assistants - groups which have been badly let down by the unions over recent years.

The unions are apparently saying members that their members claims won't be resolved for many months - until well into 2008 - even those which are straightforward and uncomplicated.

Don't know why that should be - but if anyone wants to transfer their claim to Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross, this can be done very easily - lots of people have done so already, having finally seen through the trade union doublespeak and lost patience with their local reps.

For further information on how to transfer your claim contact Mark Irvine on 0131 667 7956 or e-mail: markirvine@compuserve.com

As soon as there is a definite timetable agreed with Edinburgh City Council - we will post the details here on the web site.

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