Trump says: Good News is Real, Bad News is Fake

In case you have not seen Donald Trump 'in action' as it were, here is America's 45th President holding a press conference at the White House. 

Trump Unplugged? 

You tell me, but my view is that President Trump is unhinged (bigly) and behaving like someone who has stopped taking his medication.

Here's a fair summary of the news conference from Jon Lovett founder of Crooked Media and Pod Save America

Leaks: REAL News: FAKE Good polls: REAL Bad polls: FAKE Wikileaks: REAL Things I say: DUNNO, SOMEONE TOLD ME

The final point refers to a false claim made by Trump during his press conference that he had won the presidential election by the biggest margin since Ronald Reagan.

When it was pointed out this was untrue (or Fake News) Trump quickly blamed an unnamed member of his staff.

Nice guy.


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