They're My Bruvvas!

Private Eye, the UK's best and only fortnightly satirical magazine, captured perfectly if you ask me, the insanity of British jihadists who are going off to fight in the Middle East.

Middle East


by Our Defence Staff
Con Coughdrop

At last, it's official. Hundreds of gallant British lads are heading off to the front-line in Iraq and Syria to do their bit for the country they love - the International Caliphate of the Entire Middle East, including Syria, Iraq, the Levant and Birmingham (ICEMESILB) .

Yes, it can no longer be said that Britain is not playing an active and heroic part in brining peace to that troubled region (surely 'war'? Ed.) by putting trainers on the ground".

As yet more planeloads of British fighting men pour into northern Iraq, military experts were yesterday paying tribute to the success of a brilliant recruiting campaign centred on showing videos on YouTube of people being blown up or thrown into mass graves. 

Squaddie Arabia

As one smiling recruit told us yesterday, "I'm here to fight for the Muslims, innit? They're my bruvvas".

When asked who he was going to fight when he got there, he merely waved his Kalashnikov and replied, "Allahu, Akbar! Death to Whoever!"

Ladt night there was a welcome for this British intervention from countries across the world including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and North Korea.    

I read an interview at the weekend with one of these well intentioned young 'freedom fighters' who believed that the 9/11 attack on America was a put-up inside job carried out by the US government.

Says it all, really.  

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