Inspector Clouseau

I laughed out loud earlier today as I read on the BBC's news ticker - that the Police are now conducting an urgent investigation into the deliberate leaking of confidential statements (made to the Police) - as a result of the Downing Street 'spat' involving the Government's chief whip, Andrew Mitchell .

Now since the only people who could possibly have shown these documents to The Sun newspaper are the Police themselves - we should surely get the result of the Police investigation very soon.

I imagine some of their best officers have been put on the job - and been told to leave no stone unturned in their search for the culprits.

Seems to me that the Police are only too happy leak confidential information when it suits their purpose - and that News International stable is still a very reliable route for the Police to use in their efforts to manipulate the news agenda.

I thought that Private Eye put the whole issue in proper perspective - with this article which appears in the latest edition of the satirical magazine.


By Our Crime Editor Harry Fibbs

Chief Inspector "Knacker of the Yard" Knacker told reporters last night:

"This sort of organised cover-up would never happen today. The modern police are not nearly organised enough to coordinate such a sophisticated operation. After all, it only took a couple of years for our involvement with News International to come to light, as opposed to the twenty three years it took everyone to rumble what we were up to at Hillsborough."

"That is why there is no need for any police officer to face prosecution and certainly no need for me to resign."      

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