Vote Early, Vote Often

I have lots of things to do tomorrow - Thursday 3rd May - but one thing that's high on my list is to cast my vote in the local council elections.

I have a vote in Glasgow and one thing's for sure - it's not going to be in support of the Scottish  Labour party - which has been a complete disgrace for the past five years - as far as equal pay is concerned.

Scotland has three big Labour-run councils with overall majorities - Glasgow, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire - although Labour in South Lanarkshire has  technically been kept afloat by a deal with the local Tories - it has to be said.

But what they all have in common is a terrible track record on equal pay - in my opinion anyway.

Some of the lowest paid workers in the land were kept in the dark - quite deliberately - about the big pay gap between traditional male and female council jobs.

By Labour councils and Labour supporting trade unions - which like to portray themselves as 'left wing', progressive and possibly even socialist.

Baloney is what I say to that - which is why Labour won't be getting my vote tomorrow.

Because it's high time these arrogant councils were taken down a peg or two - to my mind their overall working majorities are bad for democracy - and simply encourage the politicians to ride roughshod over local opinion.

Worse still is the attitude of some of our MSPs and MPs - I heard Scottish Labour  voices on the news earlier today - fulminating against the Murdoch empire and calling for an yet another enquiry to be established - this time by the Scottish Parliament.

Yet when have you heard these people call for a public enquiry into the scandalous behaviour of Labour councils - over equal pay?

When have you heard these Scottish Labour politicians - some of whom claim to be great  supporters of equality of course - say a single critical word about the big Labour-run councils and the way that these councils have dealt with equal pay.

So I have made up my mind - I will be voting but not for Labour under any circumstances.

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