Hard To Believe

Hard to believe - but jailed fraudster and former Labour MP David Chaytor - is in line for a £54,000 pay out from the public purse.

In common with other MPs who leave the House of Commons - Chaytor is entitled to a 'golden goodbye' payment - to help him 're-adjust' back into public life.

Quite why Chaytor needs an extra public handout worth £54,000 - when he is able to draw on his MP's pension - will be a mystery to most people.

Another mystery is why Chaytor was allowed legal aid - which cost the public £21,000 to argue his non existent 'case for the defence'.

Especially when David Chaytor owns a portfolio of no less than five private properties - which Parliament's generous housing allowances no doubt helped to build up - again at public expense.

Let's hope the authorities wake up and recover these costs - otherwise people will be entitled to draw the conclusion - that crime really does pay.

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