Globespan - Spread the Word

As many of our readers will know, Globespan - the Scottish based airline - suddenly went out of business in the run up to Christmas.

Literally overnight, hundreds of employees were left high and dry by the company - even while some of them were stuck abroad - with no access to proper advice and support.

If our readers know any former Globespan employees - pass the word that they may well have a claim for a Protective Award to the Employment Tribunals.

The basis of their claim would be that they were dismissed by Globespan - without any consultation.

A Protective Award can be worth up to three months salary - but no one is going to hand it over on a plate.

People will have to fight for their rights - in the courts - as they've done over equal pay.

Former employees might also have a claim - for all or some of the following - on top of a redundancy claim:

1. Unfair dismissal
2. 'Lost' holiday pay
3. Incorrect contract terms
4. Unpaid wages
5. Working time losses

And some of these claims - if successful - are guaranteed by the state.


If you know anyone in this situation, they can always drop Mark Irvine a note for further advice at:

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