Glasgow Update

As reported in the post dated 10 November 2009 - letters have been going out in batches to Glasgow clients for the past couple of weeks - because there are so many people to advise on an individual basis.

We are processing these letters as quickly as we can - but routine calls to the office only slow the process down - and divert resources away from the main task in hand.

So please try to avoid calling - unless you are raising something urgent or important. If you are simply looking for a progress report - keep an eye on the blog site for news.

If you have a query about your letter or personal situation - please write to the Newcastle office with the details - this will allow your query to be logged and checked properly.

Lots of people want to compare one person's individual circumstances with another - but this is impossible because the details vary for all kinds of reasons - some of which may be private and confidential.

So, our advice is not to swap personal anecdotes - or listen to the rumour mill - because these are likely to be no more reliable than 'fishermen's tales'

We've had lots of questions on the following subjects:

What is a WPBR payment?
A WPBR payment is in connection with the council's Workforce Pay and Benefits Review - it covers the period between 1 April 2006 and 31 December 2006 - the details will be shown on people's pay slips - in some cases it reduced the 'pay gap' between male and female jobs.

What is an 'Interim' Payment?
An Interim payment is concerned with the period between December 2005 and April 2006 - i.e. before the WPBR came into play - payments were made by bank transfer and were not recorded on people's pay slips - but your previous bank statements will show the details.

At this stage, we cannot give definite dates or deadlines for completing the process - as soon as possible is the only sensible answer in the circumstances.

With so many queries and individual issues to resolve - the emphasis has to be on getting things done accurately and properly - rather than getting the job done quickly.

So, your patience and understanding would be appreciated.

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