South Lanarkshire

A reader from South Lanarkshire has been in touch - to pass on the latest propaganda from the unions.

Apparently, the unsions are putting it about that Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross won't be able to pursue equal pay claims against the council - because of some mysterious and unexplained change in European law.

Now this all sounds very odd - and that's because it's complete baloney - made up from start to finish - possibly in a cack-handed attempt to cover up the embarassment that must be felt by the unions - who are not pursuing a single equal pay claim in South Lanarkshire.

So, the motto is - don't listen to gossip and rumour - ask any union reps that are peddling these stories to put what they have to say in writing - and they'll run for cover.

The truth is that the challenge to South Lanarkshire's job evaluation scheme is well underway and is likely to be held in the autumn.

Watch this space for news.

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