Direct and Care

Direct and Care staff in Glasgow continue to report that managers are putting people under pressure to accept changes in their contracts – before the TUPE transfer to Cordia goes ahead in April 2009.

See previous posts dated 1 and 5 March. Our advice is very simple and to the point:

Don’t give in to Direct and Care

Managers can’t impose these changes – no matter what they say.

If they approach you – insist they put their request in writing.

Keep a note of what managers say at any meetings you attend.

Insist on your right to be accompanied – by a work colleague or union rep.

Insist managers put their request on the record – that way it can’t be denied at a later date.

The TUPE Regulations mean that your existing contract has to be transferred across to Cordia intact.

It is unlawful for either Direct and Care or Cordia to interfere with your existing contract.

Contact your trade union for help – insist that the union gets involved to protect your interests.

Make it clear you will complain to your local councillor.

If you don’t give in – managers cannot impose changes to your current contract of employment.

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