More Trade Union Shenanigans

West Dunbartonshire is under attack by many of its own staff - for going back on an earlier understanding with the trade unions to backdate the outcome of its Job Evaluation Scheme (JES).

So, those employees whose jobs have done comparatively well out of the JES - are now not going to receive the back pay (to 1 April 2006) that they had been led to expect - by both the council and the trade unions.

The whole business is still very confused - rather than explaining clearly what is going on and why - stories are appearing in the press that obscure as much as they reveal.

But it's not just the council that's been up to no good.

A recent council report is scathing in its criticism of the trades unions for pursuing a negotiating strategy that favoured traditional male jobs - witness the following extract:

"The Trade Union proposal in relation to Terms and Conditions may appear to support the reduction of inequalities for female staff but that is not necessarily the case. In some areas this proposal would simply maintain existing areas of long standing inequality and would have the effect of widening rather than narrowing the gender pay gap."

"There are concerns that the (Trade Union) proposals, particularly those related to overtime payments and payments for working public holidays, favour traditional male occupations which are generally full-time roles and are to the disadvantage of female staff the majority of whom work part time hours."

"They would appear to suffer direct discrimination arising from the widening pay gap in overall payment levels due to their lower base pay, and indirect discrimination due to their inability to access in practice some of these enhanced payments."

Sound familiar - trade unions trying to cut a more favourable deal for their male members?

The council has used these shenanigans as an excuse to pull out of negotiations - and they now look certain to impose agreement on the workforce over the heads of the trade unions.

We are still assessing West Dunbartonshire's position - but our advice to people is clear - you will only get what you are entitled to by pursuing an equal pay claim with the Employment Tribunals - relying on the council or the trade unions will only end in tears.

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