Union advice and representation

We regularly receive enquiries from clients about union advice and representation - because the unions sometimes behave very badly when members vote with their feet - by pursuing an equal pay claim with Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross.

Now a certain amount of churlishness is only human - because union noses are seriously out of joint and - like anyone else - they don't like being shown up in a bad light.

But sometimes local union reps take things too far - they become vindictive and try to make life difficult - by telling their members that they won't be entitled to any advice or representation - even on matters completely unrelated to equal pay - if they take up with Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross.

If that happens, the union people concerned are overstepping the mark - big time - because members are entitled to advice and representation under union rule - and these rights can't be withdrawn in an arbitrary way by some branch official who's in a giant huff.

So, if you're faced with some union oaf who's trying to throw their weight around - always ask the person to confirm what they're saying in writing - that way they can be held to account for what they say and how they behave.

Any local union rep behaving this way is asking for trouble - because it's tantamount to victimisation - and it's the kind of behaviour that unions were set up to defend their members against in the first place.

If this happens to you, the best way to respond is to simply stand your ground - refuse to be intimidated - remain calm and reasonable - ask for written confirmation of any such advice - and the rest will take care of itself.

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