Edinburgh - Male Claims

Edinburgh City Council is to consider the position of male equal pay claimants this week - on Thursday 7 February - see previous post dated 25 January 2008.

As ever, the council hedging its bets instead of doing the right thing - by treating male workers exactly the same way as women, as it said it would back in October 2007 - according to the Edinburgh Evening News

So, the best thing people can do is to contact their own local councillor in advance of Thursday's meeting - and encourage individual councillors to look at the real issues - instead of just towing the party line.

There is absolutely no justification for treating a male carer, cook or cleaner any differently to their female colleagues - and that's what equal pay is all about.

Contact details for all local councillors can be found on the Edinburgh city council web site at: www.edinburgh.gov.uk

If you need any help, contact Mark Irvine at: markirvine@compuserve.com

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