Edinburgh Council - Male Claims

Edinburgh City Council has some of its equal pay claims, but has excluded several large groups - including male clients in predominantly female jobs - male home helps and catering workers, for example.

Even though the council has made revised offers to all of the female workers doing these jobs - the male workers were excluded at the last minute - for reasons the council will not or cannot explain.

The male claimants do exactly the same job as their female colleagues - they were made offers (albeit poor offers) the first time round - but without any prior warning or justification the council suddenly moved the goalposts - leaving people high and dry.

Which is, of course, no way to treat hardworking, long serving and loyal employees.

Edinburgh councillors will be considering the issue again at the next full council meeting in February 2008 (date to be confirmed) . We have been kicking up a fuss and we need our clients to do the same - see post dated 1 December 2007.

If everyone involved makes a point of contacting their own local councillor - this will help get across just how badly the council has behaved. Contact details for individual councillors can be found on the city council web site at: www.edinburgh.gov.uk

Margo MacDonald - the independent Edinburgh MSP - was also very supportive when the issue was reported in the Edinburgh Evening News.

Margo can be contacted via the Scottish Parliament by phone (0131 348 5714) or by e-mail at: Margo.MacDonald.msp@scottish.parliament.uk

Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross are still pursuing all of these claims to the Employment Tribunals - but there's no good reason for council not to do the right thing right now - and agree to treat the male workers in exactly the same way as the women.

And that's the message to get across to Edinburgh councillors in the run up to the full council meeting in February.

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