West Lothian - Bigmouths and Bullies

At a meeting recent with home carers in West Lothian, two of our clients described an extremely unpleasant encounter with one of the council's elected members - and representative of the Labour Group to boot!

The councillor made it plain he had no sympathy with the carers' equal pay claims because he told them, contemptuously: "All you do is wipe arses all day long!"

Now this is a vile, stupid and offensive thing to say - not just about the carers, which is bad enough, but also about their clients - whom they help to support, so that older people can continue to lead dignified and independent lives in their own homes.

These words are the words of a bully and an ignoramus - and the women on the receiving end felt they were completely powerless to do anything about the councillor's vile language - or to hold him to account for his appalling behaviour.


No one should put up with this kind of abuse - not for a single second! If this were ever to happen to you, our advice is to complain immediately to:

1 The council chief executive - who has a 'duty of care' towards staff and must take such issues very seriously - in West Lothian the CEO is Alex Linkston who can be contacted at: alex.linkston@westlothian.gov.uk

2 The leader of the councillor's party group (though not all councillors are in a party) - since the reputation of the party at stake - in this case it is the Labour leader Graeme Morrice who can be contatced at: graeme.morrice@westlothian.gov.uk

3 The leader of the council - who has the reputation of the council and local community at stake and who hopefully won't play party politics - in this case the SNP's Peter Johnston who can be contacted at: peter.johnston@westlothian.gov.uk

4 The Scottish Standards Commission (SSC) - a independent public body which oversees the conduct of local councillors and can deal with complaints about their behaviour - the SSC can be contacted at: http://www.standardscommissionscotland.org.uk/

So, the bottom line is - fight back, get advice and support - don't let bigmouths and bullies away with this kind of behaviour. The Labour councillor in West Lothian knows who he is and how shamefully he has behaved!

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