Latest hearing dates

Here are the latest Case Management hearing dates that have been agreed with the Employment Tribunals.

11 June 2007
Argyll & Bute Council - Glasgow

12 June 2007
Stirling Council - Glasgow

12 June 2007
East Ayrshire Council - Glasgow

13 June 2007
Renfrewshire Council

13 June 2007
South Lanarkshire Council - Glasgow

14 June 2007
North Ayrshire Council - Glasgow

14 June 2007
West Dunbartonshire Council - Glasgow

15 June 2007
East Renfrewshire Council - Glasgow

27 June 2007
Clackmannanshire Council - Glasgow

08 August 2007
Falkirk Council - Glasgow

15 August 2007
East Dunbartonshire Council - Glasgow

21 August 2007
Midlothian Council - Edinburgh

21 August
East Lothian Council - Edinburgh

North Lanarkshire Council
A date for the next North Lanarkshire hearing is still being discussed behind the scenes - the council has until 8 July to respond to various procedural issues raised at the last ET hearing - so the next one will take place sometime after that date - details will be posted on the web site as soon as they are confirmed

A few points to bear in mind:

  1. New dates are always being arranged on a regular basis - so don't be anxious if your council is not mentioned in the latest list.
  2. New dates will be posted here - as soon they arise.
  3. People often phone on the day of the latest hearing asking for an update - this is unnecessary and simply overloads the phone - as any significant developments will be posted on the web site within a very short period of time.
  4. A breakthrough is just as likely to happen because of event taking place behind the scenes - away from the Employment Tribunal hearings - as happened in Glasgow recently.
So, the best and quickest way to get the latest news is to read the web site regularly - and to raise any specific queries by e-mail, if possible.

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