Trade union contacts

A number of people have been in touch to say that they are still having difficulty in contacting or obtaining advice from their trade union - and is there any way of improving/speeding things up?

Well you might be better off e-mailing the regional secretary of your trade union instead of going through the local branch (which often takes forever) or trying to phone via an office switchboard.

The other advantage of e-mail is that it creates a permanent record of what you are saying and it's as good as writing a letter, but a lot quicker and easier.

So the names and e-mail addresses of the regional secretaries for the big three unions are:

Harry Donaldson - Regional Secretary
E-mail address:

Mike Brider - Regional Secretary
E-mail address:

Matt Smith - Regional Secretary
E-mail address:

Now these three gentlemen are well paid, professional people - they should deal with any queries quickly, efficiently and in a very professional manner.

So, if you're fed up with some local person not returning your calls, not answering your questions or speaking in union gobbledegook - take your concerns up with the men at the top!

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