Appeals - union advice and support

Lots of people have been on touch to say that some local union reps are not being very helpful when it comes to Job Evaluation appeals - see previous posting dated 29 January 2007.

The plain truth is that the trade unions are going to be in a lot of trouble if they take money from their members in union contributions, but then fail to provide the service and support that members are entitled to expect.

The trade unions are annoyed that so many of their members have taken up claims with Action 4 Equality and Stefan Cross, but that is not a valid reason for refusing to provide individual members with advice and representation, if requested, especially at the workplace.

A local Job Evaluation grading appeal is an internal matter to the council and very often the trade unions are the only bodies recognised by the council employers for dealing with such matters. So the trade unions owe a duty of care to their members, which they cannot ignore just because some of the officials are in a giant huff.

If you are being given the run around by an unhelpful local union rep, you should consider writing a letter to a senior official along the following lines:

Dear GMB, TGWU or Unison

Local Grading Appeal

I am having some difficulty in getting support from the GMB, TGWU or Unison (insert appropriate union) in connection with a local Job Evaluation grading appeal.

If I am denied basic representation at work, I have to say I would regard this as being penalised and disciplined by my own trade union, but without good cause or due process.

I would, therefore, like you to confirm that I am entitled to advice and representation in this matter, as a union member of good standing and one who is not in breach of any union rule.

If you fail to provide me with the support and advice that union members are entitled to expect under the union rule book, I will consider taking further action to protect my interests, which might include, for example, making a formal complaint to the Certification Officer.

I look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely

A Member

The regional secretaries of the three main unions in Scotland are:

Harry Donaldson
Regional Secretary
Fountain House
Charing Cross
G3 7UJ

Mike Brider
Regional Secretary
290 Bath Street
G2 4LD

Matt Smith
Regional Secretary
14 West Campbell Street
G2 6RX

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