The role of the unions

There are still some good union reps out there - I know because I speak to them all the time - but far too often the unions are prepared to do the dirty work of the employers.

In many areas, the compensation offers made by employers were negotiated with the unions - who then tried to frighten and bully their own members into signing away their equal pay rights. That is why they are being sued and held to account by their own members.

Stefan Cross has succefully sued the GMB union in the Alan v GMB Employment Tribunal case - where the union was found (unanimously) to have collaborated with the employers against their own low paid union members.

So, the times are changing - and union members are beginning to understand that their union owes each and every individual member a 'duty of care' - so you can't just be fobbed off with with a lot of union gobbledegook and told that the officials know best.

Union members are entitled to proper advice and a professional level of service - a clear written explanation of your rights, for example, and how to enforce or protect them. Ask for the union's legal officer to advise you - since the local officials are often:
  • part of the establishment
  • caught up in local party politics
  • part of the problem
In any event, don't put up with a second rate service - you are entitled to a great deal more

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