Acid Test

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Dan Hodges wrote a scathing assessment of Jeremy Corbyn and the mindset of the annual Labour conference with a piece in The Telegraph the other day.

The thrust of his argument was that the Jeremy Corbyn is a really just a full-time, protester rather than a serious contender to become Prime Minister while the Labour Party in Brighton was behaving as if the voters don't exist.

Broadly speaking I agree with Dan's views because Jezza, to my mind, is the kind of an old-fashioned municipal socialist whose politics are rooted in the conservative wing of the UK's trade union movement.

I imagine if the new Labour leader was put on the spot, he would not be at all critical of the Labour-run councils and the Labour-supporting trade unions in Scotland who failed to stand up for tens of thousands of women workers over their rights to equal pay.     

For me, that's the acid test of Corbyn's claim to be pursuing a new and different kind of politics.

And as Jeremy has announced that he'll be coming to Scotland on a regular basis, perhaps I'll have the chance to raise the issue with him directly.

In the meantime here's a link to Dan Hodges column in The Telegraph newspaper:

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