Glasgow's Fight for Equal Pay

Well if the response to my 'Here Comes Santa Claus' post is anything to go by, Glasgow's claimants are up for the fight.

In the event the City Council goes back on its word and tries to deliver an equal pay settlement based on what the Council says it can afford, as opposed to one based on the pay and pensions the claimants have lost out on - after 12 years of the 'unfit for purpose' WPBR. 

Now I'm not pessimistic about the chances of achieving a fair and just settlement, but if this is not agreed, in principle at least, by the end of 2018 we face the real prospect of an SNP-led Glasgow City Council returning to the Employment Tribunals to defend the WPBR in the New Year.

Which is a truly bizarre prospect if you ask me, because how can an SNP-led Council possibly defend the WPBR when it has been lambasting a previous Labour-led council for introducing the WPBR back in 2007?

Spot on as usual mark


Well said to true x


Spot on ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปx


Well said ๐Ÿ‘


Well said Mark


Well said mark


Are we going to strike again?


What Santa's not real ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿ˜‰brilliant mark


Good. That’s what I’ve been saying for ages. We don’t want what they can “afford” or what’s “fair”. We want what’s owed. Big difference. If that’s the case in December, which again I’ve been saying for ages, they can stick it where the sun don’t shine ๐Ÿ˜‘


Well said๐Ÿ‘


Aye it'll be the Santa CLAUSE. Here's a carrot ,if you sign your rights away we will give you it, aren't we kind!! , think we will give ourselves a raise now off you pop back to the grindstone and work till you drop. Tally Ho.


aye well they can get stuffed along with the chriistmas turkey were not feckin cinderellas getting a few crumbs here and there so annmarie scrooge up the money honey or else hell will be unleashed,and youll see it when we roll in to the square again be warned we want the money owed to us in full



'Here Comes Santa Claus' (08/11/18)

Glasgow City Council has a peculiar approach to conflict resolution which is all about throwing its weight around.
For months equal pay settlement talks were going round and round in circles, until in August the Council announced there would be no negotiations and that senior officials would come back in December with a Council offer to end its long-running equal pay dispute.

Now this 'Hear Comes Santa Claus' strategy must have been approved in advance by the Council's chief executive, Annemarie O'Donnell, who presumably expected the Claimants to respond with generous applause, wild celebrations and general acclaim.  

But that's not how negotiations work, of course, which ought to have been obvious to any reasonable person - just as any reasonable person could also tell you that Glasgow's 37 hour 'rule' was deliberately designed to discriminate against the City Council's largely female workforce. 

So the Claimants are not going to sit back and wait on the wise old heads in the Council returning in December with settlement proposals that GCC can 'afford', as opposed to an agreement based on what the claimants are 'due' and which has been negotiated in good faith with the Claimants Representatives.

Nobody's that stupid and in just in case Annemarie O'Donnell doesn't know it already - Glaswegians don't believe in Santa Claus and Glaswegian heads don't button up the back. 


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