Glasgow - What Happens Next?

Stefan Cross posted this Glasgow Update on Facebook the other day setting out the likely next steps in the march towards equal pay in Glasgow City Council.

After all the excitement of the past few days, the pace of things is bound to slow down while everyone draws breath and a detailed work programme is agreed.

While everyone agrees this can't be done overnight it is worth remembering that the City Council pulled out all the stops back in 2005 by introducing a completely new job evaluation scheme (JES) and new pay arrangements from a standing start - in little more than a year.

OK, so they made a real mess of things back then, but that was because of the way the City Council went about things - whereas in 2018 they have the judgment of the Court of Session hanging over their heads plus the benefit of input from Action 4 Equality Scotland, as well as from the trade unions. 

So there's every reason to be positive and optimistic, if you ask me.



Easy answer is boredom and frustration. Why? Because this going to take ages to sort out. There are 4 phases to the talks which will hopefully run in parallel


This covers up to 2009. This “should” be more straightforward after yesterday’s decision as there is less room for argument over comparators but there still will be. Big issues include comparators, interest and overtime. And GMB claims. Not only did they limit claims to this period but they also didn’t challenge WPBR, which also limits their comparators, but they didn’t challenge any other terms. What to do with GMB is a theme throughout.

PHASE 2 2009 to NOW.

Again GMB didn’t claim for this period at all but have now put in claims that only go back to late 2012. If they can go back to 2009 then so should everyone else. Big decision for the council. Again issues are comparators, interest and overtime but also NSWP, ECD and equal value.


Big decision is abandoning WPBR and getting new JES. Amanda Green has posted a lot on this. No GMB issues, I hope, but all other issues same. How long is it going to take. If go up in grade how far back. My view is we draw a line at phase two. There will be winners and losers. Worth a debate.


This is mainly union territory but baseline is how to deal with losers? New protection period? New overtime and unsocial hours arrangements (current ones are massively discriminatory). Pay cuts/grade reductions?


In past settlements these got ignored but not this time. The new pensions rules on average pensions means everyone is affected by pensions (and if your not in JOIN now). Huge financial issue for you and council that affects the whole of your life.

That’s why we have meetings every week for the rest of the year and why you may get bored and frustrated.

A lot of hard work but it should be rewarded

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